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Google AdWords Certification

What you need to know about Google AdWords Certification Engage Program. The certification course itself is pleasant and well intentioned in my opinion. I very much enjoyed learning more about how to manage OPM - other people's money. Thinking I had studied all I needed to and with a bit of arrogance I set off with my coupon code in hand to get certified as a search engine marketing manager. AdWords Exam. The most obvious question which comes to mind, "Is the AdWords Exam difficult?" My response would normally be no, after all I have been managing campaigns for clients for nearly five years. These were my thoughts on the front end anyway. As an after thought...the exam is damn difficult to pass for most and I shared the same misery as the majority of others who attempt it - failure has an awful after taste doesn't it? What makes it difficult I really can't say. It is a many things that brought me to SEM exam failure but one thing very troubling is that my grade on this exam was not necessarily a failing grade. In fact I scored in the 83% higher testing group. Still, it was not a grade high enough to earn my certification. How much does AdWords Exam Cost? The first attempt is compliments of Google. They send you a coupon code for use with their testing center. The testing center in turn asks you to input the coupon code in order to waive your exam fee and next asks you to download a special browser for the examination. All of these steps were very much anticipated and did not slow the testing process whatsoever. The normal cost of the examination is $50 USD and those who must re-take the exam must pay the next round out of pocket. What exactly does the AdWords exam consist of? There are over 100 questions and 120 minutes to complete the exam. You may not stop and re-start the exam at a later time. To give up or quit is to fail. If you are thinking of testing for Google SEM Certification pay special attention to the study guide and be forewarned the test is anything but easy. Those seeking SEM status must take the basic AdWords Fundamentals exam along with a choice of an advanced exam covering a different portion of the AdWords program. If you seldom score high on a standardized exam it is highly suggested that you prepare yourself for less than the best experiences, study hard for at least a week and be aware that you can not leave your screen to search for correct answers. Even if you could, you likely would not have enough time to look up enough of the questions to achieve a passing score.


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