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What is Your Management Style?

Does anyone know you better than you know yourself? I don't think that is possible. I know my strengths and weaknesses, my likes and dislikes, plus I know how much I am willing to tolerate in every aspect of life - especially working life.
One of my biggest turn-offs is micromanagers. That said, I want to file some public grievance about those who hire and then insist they know more than their selected service provider.
If you believe you know more than the person you hire - you are a big dummy for spending money on a task you should be doing yourself. This is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard and it saddens me when I learn they are so ridiculous.  Micromanaging a new hire regarding tasks you have no clue how to implement will damn your project to failure in short time. Not only does this dampen enthusiasm, but it sufficiently ties the service providers hands to the point nothing gets accomplished. Worse, for those who insist they know more than me - ones lucky enough to hire me, that is - you will get to demonstrate your aptitude in real time because very soon you "WILL" be doing the task yourself. 
At such point you will learn how little you really know and you will feel ridiculous. If you have learned how to optimize your website please attempt the project D.I.Y.  Save your money for paid advertising or until such time as you realize you over estimated your abilities.

Definition of D-I-Y  for those who are not 'in the know'...It means Do-It-Yourself.

I warn all prospective clients I do not work well under such condition as that of a micromanager so be certain you comprehend caveats offered early on.  True SEO's know their own limitations and are in high demand so don't waste their time or your money if you fit the profile. 
Perhaps there are others who work well and may even need to be micromanaged and in such case why hire them? I don't want to babysit one of my workers. I expect everyone to manage themselves and simply deliver as agreed. It is that simple.
I know my management style is what it is and I always look for new hires who mesh well with me. Please save each of us headaches and discover yours sooner rather than later as it can save you a great deal of money in the process of optimization.


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